Why the grown-up can't hide inside the bed

2 min readNov 5, 2020

The heart is shattered for so many reasons sometimes I wonder if I’m sobbing for the one which broke me formerly or the one that did years ago.
Periodically I begin overthinking about the bizarre decisions I make in life to damage myself more maybe this discomfort is like the dope that I’ve to keep giving myself even I know it is unwholesome and will mark the verge of me one day.
When I was a kid I used to hide under the bed when I do anything wrong when I grow up I was unable to hide under the bed knowing that it will never help me my parents will find me sooner or later and punish me. The time I grow up I started to think about what was wrong with the stuff I do that makes my parents angry maybe that was something that every youngster do, maybe that’s what we call playing.
When I grow up dreaming was not allowed for girls, you can’t dream about your future because you’ve your parents to do this for you. You can’t choose your school, college and university. As you know that your age is less than their experience so they know better which field is good for you even if you are a loser in that field but you can’t utter a word if you do so you are disobeying your parents and you’re a worthless kid.
I don’t write it here because I’m against my parents I just want to educate people to learn about parenting before planing a baby. One more depressing thing for me is that most of us more precisely all of us plan to have a son the girl is just born by chance and I’ve seen people moaning on the birth of a girl. I’m not a feminist I’m just writing down what I’ve seen around in my life. If a boy is ambitious it’s a moment of pride for his parents but if a girl is ambitious she has to survive the loathing of the society. I have heard it several times that too much education spoil a girls life but it can make a boy’s fortune.
I’ve seen my father sobbing for me when I was sick but I’ve seen him yelling at me for no apparent reason may be his definition of love is different than mine. Why do all of us have different definitions why can’t we agree on one single definition it will clarify several issues in our lives.
What I want to ask is why can’t we hide under the bed when we ask for the command of our own lives and we’re scolded, why can’t we hide behind that bulk of woods laying when we’re punished for taking our own decisions not the big decisions but the simple decision of choosing what makes us happy.

